
Thursday, April 19, 2012

The death certificate...

My husband comes through again! He was able to obtain an uncertified copy of my Dad's death certificate via the town clerk's office. He used his awesome recruiting skills and was promptly faxed a copy to the office. Thanks Hon!
Anyway, (as he read it to me over the phone)the death certificate lists my grandparents as the "next of kin". I find this very odd considering he had 2 "of age", biological daughters. Also, his cause of death was listed septicemia d/t pneumonia/aspiration pneumonia d/t dementia/brain tumor. I don't know what I was expecting and I'm not sure how to feel. I know I am sad and I feel some anger coming back. I really hope I can get this all out, swallow it and let it go. I think this is going to be part healing process, part medical history research. I don't want the anger and hurt to come back about all of the events that surrounded this whole terrible situation.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Contact made...

Today I was contacted by the hospital that holds the info. about my Father's stay at their associated nursing home. Kelly was very nice and explained to me that I needed to prove I was next of kin at the time of his death. This could be done, she explained, by obtaining a copy of his death certificate. She suggested I try the local town clerks office or the funeral home where his services took place. I got Kelly's contact info. (just in case), thanked her and hung up.
I then contacted the funeral home....the person I spoke with (did not identify himself) seemed not to want to dig for the certificate, but suggested I go down to the town clerk's office as well. Dead end #1.
I contacted the local town clerk's office via email this afternoon and I am still awaiting a response from them. In the meantime I have called my sister to check to see if she has the certificate among the items that were given to us after the death of my Grandfather (Dad's dad) last year. She didn't have it. Dead end #2.
Next I called my Aunt Wanda (Dad's sister in-law) to see if they had it. This was a strong possibility due to the fact that my grandfather had been living with them pretty much since my grandmother (Dad's mom) died years ago. Since they (Grandpa and Grandma) were the ones who had the most to do with Dad while he was sick, I thought maybe it had been left there after he died. She told me she would check with my Uncle (Dad's brother) to see if he knew whether or not they had it and reminded me that even if they did, they may not any longer do to a recent house fire (gutted their home). I'm waiting for her to get back to me and for the awkwardness when we speak to pass.
So I hurry up and wait...